Tag Archives: Marietta Newborn photographer

Maggie {Atlanta Newborn Photographer}

One of the things I love about doing in-home newborn photography, is that I get to engage with families in their normal, natural environment.  I become an instant friend to the siblings, and these two big sisters were so welcoming and friendly, wanting to not only show off their cute new baby sister, but also...

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    Newborn Baby Girl {Atlanta Newborn Photographer}

    This perfect newborn girl is already so loved.  Her mom and dad’s love for one another shines on her too.  They making parenting a newborn look so natural and easy.  You couldn’t tell that they’d been sleep deprived. I love when we get to use quilts that family and friends have made for the newest addition.

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      Isabelle {Atlanta Newborn Photographer}

      This natural beauty is so loved by her big sister.  She slept deeply for her entire session, and was happy to let us pose her.  I have no doubt these two girls will continue to enjoy one another as they get older.

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        Brooks {Atlanta Newborn Photographer}

        This sweet boy preferred being outside more than being inside.  But who can blame him?!  I had such a great time with him and his parents,  I loved seeing how parenting has come so naturally to both of them!  B is a lucky little man to have them!  

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